Tag: niteflirt

NiteFlirt’s Front Page (Short term gain)

NITEFLIRT’S FRONT PAGE income potential HAS AN EXPIRATION DATE Over my 15 years on NiteFlirt I have watched many flirts come and go. New girls come on to the site and pay NiteFlirt for the front page and very often, the top spot. It won’t last!  You are good for about 90 days or 120 if you’re interesting.  I could name at least 5 accounts

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Get design and training references! (Don’t pay without them)

NITEFLIRT LAYOUTS BY CANDY #FLIRTWEBDESIGN2 ACCEPT NOTHING LESS! UPDATED: DECEMBER 14, 2020 Why overpay for NITEFLIRT LISTINGS AND CAM GIRL LAYOUTS? Get excellent copy writing and a phone sex layouts designed just for you!  Contact Me for yours today! Only $70 and up! Today, I was contacted by someone who paid $30 to a flirt who has yet to deliver her NiteFlirt listing layout.  Reported:

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Engage Clients

There are many talented graphic artists who can make your listing stand-out! You need to engage your customers when they click, get them to stick around and then call you. It’s important that you shine and excite your customers when they click on your listing especially if you’re paying NiteFlirt for placement.  One way to do that is engage them with your own photos and

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Making money in phone sex

SET YOUR GOALS REALISTICALLY THEN GO FOR MORE! There has been some talk lately about the realistic prospect that you can make “six figures’ in phone sex on NiteFlirt.  While I agree that some extremely hard working, very long time phone sex opertors may make something near that, I have proof from an owner/customer relations expert that very few do. In an article published in

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How to become a phone sex operator

HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL PHONE SEX OPERATOR NOTICE:I do not work with Call Centers on NiteFlirt. references available Learning how to work the website and your account and learning how to take calls is essential.  Why am I qualified to teach you phone sex? Because, I have been a full-time income phone sex operator for 15 yrs.  Why would I train my competition? Because

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error: DON\'T STEAL! BUY!