NiteFlirt Templates by Candy
phone sex training

Phone Sex Training 101 (beginners guide)

Welcome to FlirtWebDesign by Candy

I have 15 yrs of experience of being a phone sex operator.   

I have been on NiteFlirt since 2008 and have run my own phone sex business.  I am honest and pride myself on my integrity!  I will not waste your time, and YOU CANNOT LEARN THIS BY READING!

Just use my contact form for you one on one live discussion/training on how to become a phone sex operator on any platform! Learn the ins and outs, with HONESTY from one of NiteFlirt’s highest rated flirts!


“I don’t know anything about html and all this stuff”

Too many phone sex operators think they need to know html, YOU DON’T.  But, running your own business takes a small amount of money and many hours of your own time investing in success

 You should at least know basic computer skills.  It is 2022! Computers have been used in business since the 1930’s.  The internet has been in our homes since 1995.  There is no excuse to be computer illiterate.  You are running a business.  Yes, it’s sex work but your customer’s are professionals and have an education or they work in business every day and they recognize sentence structure, spelling and grammar that’s correct.

You don’t have to be a college graduate but you should have some basic knowledge.

Now, almost no one uses html and hand codes anything anymore! It’s all about blocks of information and dragging information to those blocks.  Wordpress and most all other platforms use blocks.

Being a phone sex operator does not mean you have to learn these skills, I can do that for you and I can create Niteflirt listings for you. Beautiful designs are more than just flowers on a page.  It is knowing what elements attract visitors and using those marketing skills to build something they want to buy.

I can help, but you can also help yourself.

NiteFlirt Phone Sex operators are notorious for using improper grammar and sending 2 word emails.  I believe it’s because so many are using phones (only) to communicate.  But, running a business takes a small investment in tools and knowledge!

You should at least know:

*What your file manager does and how to do it:

Upload and store your NiteFlirt photos, videos, GIFS OK NOT VIDEOS for embedding and other digital goods all in one place with File Manager! When you use File Manager, NiteFlirt will host your digital goods for embedding into your Flirt Profile and Listings or for selling via Paid Mail and bundling into Goody Bags.

Click on “File Manager” in the Flirt Center of My Account to start uploading and organizing your files!

*How do I download and upload and the difference between them:

Downloading :
Meaning of downloading is that our computer is receiving data from the Internet. When users are copying any file from the Internet to their device (computer, mobile, etc.), they download it. Example is downloading songs or pictures from the Internet.

Uploading :
Meaning of uploading is that we send data from our computer to the Internet. In other words, to make a file visible to everyone on the Internet (like adding a picture on Facebook), you will need to upload it. Examples are posting photos on Instagram or Facebook, using a webcam.

*You need to at least understand ‘select all’ and the difference cut and copy and paste

*How to save documents and images to your phone or device and upload them to NiteFlirt or Twitter etc…



That will get you banned from the website!


error: DON\'T STEAL! BUY!