Category: niteflirt

They come and they go (NiteFlirt whales)

“But we chatted for weeks and he sent me so much money” This morning, I had a NiteFlirt training session with a female flirt who’d been on the site for six months.  She’d done well in chat.  But, a customer came along and built a relationship with her for about 2 months.  He’d sent multiple tributes along with his attentive chats and she said, he

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New to NiteFlirt (Beginners Start Here)

So, you want to be a phone sex operator on NiteFlirt The first thing I always ask new women is, why? If the answer is ‘money’ I have hope for you! Make no mistake about it, phone sex is a job!  Whether you want a few extra dollars for spending money or you’re looking for a full-time job, the essential elements to succeed are no

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NiteFlirt’s Front Page (Short term gain)

NITEFLIRT’S FRONT PAGE income potential HAS AN EXPIRATION DATE Over my 15 years on NiteFlirt I have watched many flirts come and go. New girls come on to the site and pay NiteFlirt for the front page and very often, the top spot. It won’t last!  You are good for about 90 days or 120 if you’re interesting.  I could name at least 5 accounts

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Changes to OnlyFans 2021

Update: Aug 29th, well that was short lived…they’re back! But, still be careful. ONLYFANS CHANGES TO IN 2021 MAY BE A GOOD THING FOR EVERYONE. “Internal documents, leaked to BBC News, reveal that OnlyFans allows moderators to give multiple warnings to accounts that post illegal content on its online platform before deciding to close them. The leaked internal documents of OnlyFan’s moderators explains that accounts

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Over-Promising Under Delivering (phone sex marketing)

PHONE SEX MARKETING Customers expect that if you advertise it, YOU ARE IT! Over-promising and under delivering is such a bad idea when marketing your phone sex business. When you’re brand new to phone sex it’s a bad idea to advertise that they will have the ‘best phone sex’ of their life!  It’s also a bad idea to say, “I will make your fantasy a

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FlirtWebDesign by Candy 2021

YES! I made that video! Yes, I can make you one as effective! There are so many ways to promote your phone sex business. Videos are just one. You don’t have to appear in it, you just have to promote it. I have over 12k hits on one of my YouTube videos. My adult marketing acumen is proved by my websites and online presence. Let’s

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Featured Listings Help (NiteFlirt Bids)

BIDDING on NiteFlirt The whole reason we Feature our Listings on NiteFlirt is to CONVERT those bids for placement into MONEY!  Yes, you can spend lots of money for front page placement and Niteflirt’s system will give you a silly lil graphic on your account to make you feel better about it, but I’d rather see $ in my bank account. Just two of my

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Phone Sex Jobs (call centers on NiteFlirt are bad for business)

YOU DO NOT NEED A CALL CENTER TO WORK IN PHONE SEX ON NITEFLIRT   NiteFlirt phone sex customers enjoy the knowledge that the SAME GIRL WILL ANSWER THE PHONE EACH TIME THEY CALL.  They want to be remembered.  They want to know they are NOT GETTING CHEATED, LIED TO, AND BAMBOOZELED. This creates suspicion when they call ME! Let’s say you’re new on NiteFlirt

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Flirts clicking on flirt’s buttons

I don’t mind a click, but when I reach out to you, respond. I TEACH OTHER FLIRTS this business.  I also design listings, teach marketing techniques and how to do phone sex as well as how to become a FemDom.  I also work multiple accounts regularly and I work as a paralegal for an attorney in DC, so my days are pretty full, and my time is

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Being ‘Nice” or Being a Victim (sex work)

Recently, I was reading some sex worker forum posts where a woman was complaining about a ‘stalker’ issue and although she never asked a question or advice, she did receive many responses. First of all, when you post in a forum designed to ‘help’ it’s best to ask a question or ask for advice directly related to your issue…and get to it asap. One of

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Online Safety for Phone Sex Workers

Phone Sex Operator Safety NITEFLIRT SAFETY AND SEX WORKER/CAM GIRL SAFETY Reading this post is a real example of why PSO safety is so important. April 5, 2020      A brand new flirt recently posted: One of my customers was able to find my real life social media profiles AND where I live. He Google searched my first name, city, and the industry I

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Building a brand in phone sex

How to build a brand in adult content So, I was recently contacted by a woman who’d never taken a call on NiteFlirt despite being on the site for 2 months.  She explained she had experience as a FemDom on a  ‘texting’ platform and considered that ‘experience’ in FemDom.  Her listings were two lines of text that basically said, ‘Give me your money because you’re

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Don’t get caught….

up in the NiteFlirt’s ‘gold star award’ and continuing to PAY FOR IT by sitting on the front page. It is not difficult to figure out that NiteFlirt hired someone with customer behavorial marketing experience when they brought back bidding and created the internal awards. eg:Silver, Bronze and Gold etc…a simple graphic that only YOU can see. Someone NiteFlirt paid knew that; CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS ARE

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Avoid Bad Feedbacks

With a little training and listing tweek she could have avoided a four star rating! There are many reasons a flirt will get bad feedbacks. I still get them because I’m picky and a bitch at times who has a very low threshold for dummies. But, a new flirt (or a new listing) cannot afford to lose her five star NiteFlirt rating. Now, this flirt

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Making money in phone sex

SET YOUR GOALS REALISTICALLY THEN GO FOR MORE! There has been some talk lately about the realistic prospect that you can make “six figures’ in phone sex on NiteFlirt.  While I agree that some extremely hard working, very long time phone sex opertors may make something near that, I have proof from an owner/customer relations expert that very few do. In an article published in

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Phone Sex Website

NITEFLIRT PHONE SEX TRAINING AND ADULT WEB DESIGN Get a full sized modern phone sex website that works for you! Make more money. Look professional. My websites work for you! This is just one of my websites’ weekly clicks.  Just think of the thousands of hits you get in a month! See example: “Direct Traffic” means people who actually typed in my website’s name. %42

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Phone Sex Professionalism

By far the most obvious mistake brand new NiteFlirt operators make is not being professional.  Well, you say, “I’m not a professional”.  What I mean by professional is acting professional in emails, responding to emails, reading the emails you’re being sent and responding accordingly.  If you receive an email from a fellow flirt, especially when you’re new to the business; she is reaching out to

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BRANDING YOUR BUSINESS What is it and why should you do it?  Brand who? Do what?  Stop right now and think of your favorite burger place.  Do you see the burger or do you see an arch?  Do you see BK?  Do you see a big red “Jack” in the Box or large Big Boy?  All of these are brands.  You look for them when

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How to become a phone sex operator

HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL PHONE SEX OPERATOR NOTICE:I do not work with Call Centers on NiteFlirt. references available Learning how to work the website and your account and learning how to take calls is essential.  Why am I qualified to teach you phone sex? Because, I have been a full-time income phone sex operator for 15 yrs.  Why would I train my competition? Because

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error: DON\'T STEAL! BUY!