I am Candy, a NiteFlirt PSO of 17 yrs
I train women in phone sex, provide marketing consults
and design custom NiteFlirt Layouts that get you calls!
I have designed NiteFlirt layouts, Twitter headers, Edited photos and provided marketing consultations and phone sex training for flirts and PSO’s and sex workers since 2015.
You can read some testimonials here.
I began on NiteFlirt as a cam provider in 2007.
Before that, I was a professional model for 10 yrs, I have a BS as a Paralegal, I have multiple sales and marketing certifications and I’ve been a million-dollar club Real Estate Agent. Then, in 2007/8 when the market crashed, which caused me to find new work, I found it in this business.
READ MORE: Unfortunately, we live in a time where the average attention span is about 14 seconds!
Are you still with me? LOL
Many women come into phone sex and think they’ve found the tree that grows cash.
They think they’ll turn on their phone and men from all over the US will have it ringing off the hook. They think they’ll talk about themselves and their pussy and how sexy they are, and men are getting off on that.
Unfortunately, this is not (much) the way it goes!
Phone Sex is a niche entertainment for most men/women who seek out THEIR sexual fantasies. If you’re thinking of making phone sex a full-time job, think twice especially if you’re currently employed. Keep your current job before you dive headfirst into phone sex. Why?
I can tell you that VERY FEW WOMEN WHO COME ONTO NITEFLIRT EVER MAKE MORE THAN A SMALL PART-TIME INCOME. Don’t take my word for it. Here’s something from one from the owners of NiteFlirt.
“Erin” of NiteFlirt states in an article: (ref below)
Although the work can be lucrative, it appears that only a minority make a full-time living from phone sex. Erin M. of Niteflirt says the site has tens of thousands of active accounts, but fewer than 2,000 make over $10,000 a year. Niteflirt users who earn that much, Erin says, tend to devote 40-hour weeks to their business. For most PSOs, phone sex supplements other income or fills a small budget deficit.
Ref: The Life of a Phone Sex Operator – Priceonomics
1.Some natural talent for acting and small talk with strangers while pretending to find other’s sexual interests interesting.
2.An open mind! If you find fetishes and certain weird things, well weird, you will stop the business. How about men who love to smell panties? Does that creep you out? How about men who like other men? If either of these creeps you out, phone sex is not for you.
3.You must have the tools to succeed! Layouts, copywriting and photos that make them call you!
4. Lastly, a desire and willingness to actually work!
They want to pay you to talk about themselves and their interests!
With FlirtWebDesign by Candy you get the NiteFlirt training and marketing consultancy you need to succeed! By getting the tools you’ll need to survive the highly competitive phone sex industry, you’ll have a head start in becoming a successful phone sex operator.
Contact Me today to get started!
If you’re already on NiteFlirt or TalktoMe or any site-and you’re struggling, contact me, I can help. I do not work for call-centers and if you’ve been ripped off by TLS or MobileMoney365 or anyone, please tell me.