Tag: learn niteflirt

Phone Sex Training-NiteFlirt Templates

Many claim to know how to train phone sex operators. Even more claim to know how to design and write copy for phone sex sites, including NiteFlirt.  Before you give someone your hard-earned money, ask yourself and them: *Do they have success in phone sex? *How long has she been in phone sex? *Does she have a marketing degree/certificate?  Do they write in the forums

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Front Page left laners (NiteFlirt)

STOP PAYING NITEFLIRT IF YOU’RE NOT MAKING MONEY! Why the NiteFlirt front page doesn’t work long term.  You should be making more than you’re paying, and if you’re not, you need help/training or a marketing consultation. What’s a left laner?  NiteFlirt’s front page  Ugh! Tired of signing into NiteFlirt only to see the SAME FACE(s) on that front page?  Ask yourself why would someone sit

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Bidding on NiteFlirt (you don’t have to do it)

March 12, 2023 HOW TO BID ON NITEFLIRT   First of all, NiteFlirt cannot even define (LVS) what listing value is!   They hint at it in their flirt’s help section, but it does not in any clear way define it.  It changes, it’s not important to your success and it resets every night at 12:01 pt. This is directly from NiteFlirt’s featured listings explanation.

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Writing effective marketing emails (NiteFlirt training)

HOW TO WRITE EFFECTIVE MARKETING EMAILS ON NITEFLIRT   January 2023, hello everyone!  It’s been a while since I posted a new training blog.  I wanted to reach out, even though frankly, no one reads anymore!  I recently had an exchange with a new flirt who rec’d some harassing feedback so when I reached out to explain she could get that removed, we had a

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Prices FlirtWebDesign

I provide live one on one Skype audio phone sex training and NiteFlirt platform training. 1 HOUR OF PHONE SEX OR PLATFORM TRAINING $50 on Cash App     $65 on NiteFlirt   NITEFLIRT CUSTOMIZED LAYOUT WITH YOUR PHOTOS $70 on Cash App     $91 on NiteFlirt   Marketing Consultation to improve your current listing(s) or social media presence or blog Based on your need I

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Over-Promising Under Delivering (phone sex marketing)

PHONE SEX MARKETING Customers expect that if you advertise it, YOU ARE IT! Over-promising and under delivering is such a bad idea when marketing your phone sex business. When you’re brand new to phone sex it’s a bad idea to advertise that they will have the ‘best phone sex’ of their life!  It’s also a bad idea to say, “I will make your fantasy a

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Do you know NiteFlirt’s (many) RULES?

This morning I saw one of my former clients on the front page so I clicked to see my design, I always like to see if someone has kept it or changed my FlirtWebDesign.com paid for design and sure enough, she’d added some language that was against NiteFlirt policy. In case you didn’t read their policies before you started or simply didn’t know where to

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Learn to become a phone sex operator

With FLIRTWEBDESIGN you get the only LIVE ONE ON ONE PHONE SEX OPERATOR TRAINING! I HAVE 15 YRS OF EXPERIENCE ON NITEFLIRT AND OTHER PLATFORMS. I ALSO HAD MY OWN #800 BUSINESS FOR 11 YRS. I am honest, direct and I do not waste your time. My 1 hour live 1 on 1 phone sex training sessions often go over! Tips and welcomed and appreciated.

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Bad Feedback NiteFlirt Phone Sex

  Are you getting back feedbacks on NiteFlirt? This morning I noticed a very cute lil lady on the front page of NiteFlirt. She was obviously bidding A LOT for that position as she has 4 ratings stars with 20 ratings points.  And, don’t pretend you don’t look at other flirts’ pages! LOL Some customers call new girls on purpose and then expect her to

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Don’t get caught….

up in the NiteFlirt’s ‘gold star award’ and continuing to PAY FOR IT by sitting on the front page. It is not difficult to figure out that NiteFlirt hired someone with customer behavorial marketing experience when they brought back bidding and created the internal awards. eg:Silver, Bronze and Gold etc…a simple graphic that only YOU can see. Someone NiteFlirt paid knew that; CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS ARE

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error: DON\'T STEAL! BUY!