This morning I saw one of my former clients on the front page so I clicked to see my design, I always like to see if someone has kept it or changed my paid for design and sure enough, she’d added some language that was against NiteFlirt policy.
In case you didn’t read their policies before you started or simply didn’t know where to find them, here ya go!
By the way, you can avoid all of this by hiring me as your NiteFlirt layout designer.
Although Niteflirt does not accept responsibility for these photos, Niteflirt does reserve the right to remove at any time, without notice, any photo or image.
NiteFlirt does not permit photos that contain nudity, pornographic material, models under the age of 18, or content that violates any portion of the NiteFlirt User Agreement to be posted on Flirt Profiles, Listings or Goody Bag thumbnails.
Members may not upload, post or otherwise transmit any photo which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, infringing, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable or invasive of another’s privacy. In addition, Members may not post or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or any other proprietary rights of any party, or material protected by intellectual property laws, right of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law, unless having all necessary contracts or consents. In addition, Flirts must adhere to all record keeping requirements such as Sections 2257/2257A of Title 18 of the US Code when applicable.
NiteFlirt considers nudity to include any portion of genitalia, pubic hair, female areola, or “butt crack.” This includes photos with models wearing transparent clothing, photos of sex toys, and cartoon depictions of pornography and sexual activity.
We do allow photos that are altered to cover the nudity. This includes graphics or strategically placed hands or other objects. However, the nudity must be completely covered and may not be covered by flesh-colored graphics. Nude female breasts, with even the slightest display of female areola, are not permitted. If a model in the Transgender category has breasts which were augmented to appear as female breasts, they may not appear as nude. If a model’s body is male, the photos may be topless. In addition, displaying fully exposed breasts that do not have nipples, regardless of if it is natural or an altered image, is not permitted. NiteFlirt allows photos of models wearing thong underwear as long as it is apparent that the model is wearing underwear. If you post a photo of a model in a thong but the thong can not be seen and there is “crack” showing, we will not permit the photo.
In regards to pornographic images, NiteFlirt does not permit photos of sex toys or images of models engaging in sexually explicit activity, even if that activity is covered by graphics. Images of paddles, ball gags and whips are permitted.
NiteFlirt does not permit photos of bodily fluids. Further, NiteFlirt does not permit photos containing animals or depictions of animals. Animal content can be construed as bestiality or under age fantasies and therefore are not permitted.
Members are permitted to send nudity and pornographic content via NF Mail and Chat and sell them in Goody Bags.
Photos, images or depictions containing children or models under the age of 18 are not permitted on NiteFlirt, under any circumstance. If NiteFlirt learns of any illegal images or images of children posted on the Site or exchanged between members, NiteFlirt will immediately terminate the associated accounts and report the incident to NCMEC.
Prohibited Content
When using NiteFlirt, including but not limited to NF Mail, Chat and Calls, or creating content for listings, Goody Bags, Chat, NF Mail and leaving Feedback, Members are expected to follow all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances relating to obscene and indecent content and communications. While obscenity is not always easy to define and depends on the standards in your area, NiteFlirt specifically prohibits any listing or mail that includes, without limitation, the following subject matter:
- Child Pornography or any depiction of a child. Discussions about your kids, what you were like before you were 18, the term “Lolita” or kids in general is not allowed. Wish lists with children’s items are not permitted. Images of children are not permitted. If a photo includes a minor under the age of 18, it is not permitted on NiteFlirt.
- Incest and Incest Fantasies including “step” relations and “Daddy,” “Mommy,” “Grandmother,” “Aunt,” or any fantasy about a family member. Even a third cousin twice removed. No family relations, period. Flirts may use terms like Grandma, Mother, or the like if, and only if, it is used to describe their character. While you may use the term MILF or GILF no other terms for “Mother”, “Daddy”, “Grandmother” or other family members are allowed in Member Names.
- Underage Role-Play, including all types of Age Play.
- Bestiality, including images or depictions of animals (don’t even mention your favorite puppy)
- Rape Sex, Rape Fantasies or other non-consensual content (even if consented to) including abduction fantasies and forced intoxication.
- Penetration with all four limbs bound
- Blood, knife or needle play
- Toilet, Scat, Urination, Enemas, Roman Showers and Menstrual content, or anything related or that could be construed as one of these topics.
- ABDL (Adult Baby Diaper Lovers), Adult Babies
- Crushing of animals including insects
- Fisting
- Racial slurs
- Drugs including the use of illegal drugs, medical marijuana, 420 culture, or images of drugs.
- Explicit or suggested willingness to violate NiteFlirt’s policies such as “no taboos”, “no limits” and “no restrictions”. This is new as of May 2017
- Escort services or in-person meetings