Why the NiteFlirt front page doesn’t work long term. You should be making more than you’re paying, and if you’re not, you need help/training or a marketing consultation.
What’s a left laner? NiteFlirt’s front page
Ugh! Tired of signing into NiteFlirt only to see the SAME FACE(s) on that front page? Ask yourself why would someone sit there MONTH AFTER MONTH with very little income? How do I know that her income is low? Yes, I watch points. Yes, I see she goes busy very little and bids against anyone who sits above her. The sheer vanity! LOL
In the last six months a flirt who has sat in the left lane, you know those people who drive the speed limit in the left passing lane and never moving. A flirt has gained less than 70 ratings points in seven months! I’ve gained that in a week! I make money! Do you?
I have even used secondary accounts to bid against her and put myself just above her by one spot only for her to bid to be above my character. LOL. Why would someone do that? It’s not because she’s successful, it’s shear narcissism. Probably the same reason she takes so many picture of herself and changes her thumbnails several times daily. (not a good idea for branding)
Narcissism, hard-headedness, or vanity or stubbornness or all three, I’m sure.
NiteFlirts front page placement may be a good start when you’re very new to the site so that you gain notice, but as I’ve stated again and again, NITEFLIRTS FRONT PAGE IS A DEAD END and you will end up PAYING MORE THAN YOU ARE MAKING! In my 16 years on their site, I have seen it time and time again, women come onto the site, use the front page to get started and usually do alright sitting back after a while because they get repeat callers. Repeat business is essential to being successful in phone sex.
Of course, they are some who fail from the start and never make their money back and quit. But this one? I’ve never seen anyone sit there day after day, week after week, month after month with very little success. You can change the thumbnail all day honey or even each hour but when your phone’s not ringing, you are FAILING and you need another plan. Unless you just like giving NiteFlirt money for nothing.
Comparison: I have seen a brand new listing with no photos, no voice message and just a graphic of a flower earn 500 points in the last few months. Yes, she only charges .99 but the point is, her phone is ringing! Why would someone sit there without making more than she’s paying?
Stupidity. Hard headed! Likes to see herself on the front page and pays NiteFlirt ALOT of money for it?
Don’t be stubborn.
Ask for help.